Will a transvaginal mesh implant harm you?

If you are one of the numerous Louisiana women who developed pelvic organ prolapse, your physician probably performed surgery on you to correct that condition. As part of the surgical procedure, he or she probably inserted a transvaginal mesh implant.

Women’s Health explains that transvaginal mesh, a strong net-like material, has routinely been used for the past 20 years in pelvic organ prolapse surgical procedures. Its purpose is to support your rectum, bladder and/or uterus and prevent them from descending from your vagina, which is what happens in pelvic organ prolapse. It is a common female medical condition, and you could be particularly at risk for developing it if you have vaginally delivered one or more children, or are overweight, or have a genetic predisposition.

Associated health risks

While there is no question that transvaginal mesh is stronger than your own body tissues when it comes to supporting your pelvic organs, this product has come under massive attack during the past decade. The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning about it in 2008 after it was discovered that the product’s manufacturers and distributors had marketed it to doctors as a safe product without doing sufficient research as to its long-term consequences.

The FDA reclassified transvaginal mesh’s health risks to women from moderate to high in 2014. Since then, thousands of women nationwide have successfully sued its manufacturers for product liability and their doctors for medical malpractice. Among the many post-surgical ill effects claimed, these have been the most common:

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Mesh migration through the vaginal wall and into other organs
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Fecal and/or urinary incontinence

This information is provided for educational purposes. It should not be interpreted as legal advice.