What is uterine rupture?

If you are an expectant mother in Louisiana who has had a previous C-section, you are at increased risk for a uterine rupture when this child is born. This is particularly true if you are planning to have a VBAC; that is, a vaginal birth after cesarean.

BabyCenter.com explains that a uterine rupture is a tear in your uterus that most often occurs where your C-section scar is located. If it is a complete rupture, all the layers of your uterine wall will tear. You could suffer extensive bleeding, putting both you and your baby in grave danger.

Uterine rupture risks

You are most at risk for a uterine rupture if you had a traditional vertical C-section, with its scar extending to the upper regions of your uterus. The scar tissue is susceptible to tearing during your labor contractions, especially if your labor is a difficult one.

Even if you have never undergone a C-section, you are at risk for uterine rupture under the following conditions:

  • You are carrying twins.
  • You previously have given birth to five or more children.
  • You had a uterine rupture during a previous labor.
  • The placenta is deeply implanted in your uterine wall.
  • Your uterus is distended due to excessive amniotic fluid.
  • Your contractions are very forceful and frequent.

In addition, your risk increases if you have had uterine surgery in the past, such as to remove fibroids.

Uterine rupture symptoms and treatment

One of the first symptoms that your uterus is rupturing could be a change in your baby’s heart rate. However, you yourself could have a variety of symptoms, including the following:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Rapid pulse
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Labor slowdown or stoppage

The only “treatment” for a uterine rupture is an immediate C-section. If your uterus has been extensively damaged, you may need to undergo a hysterectomy. This information is provided for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal advice.