Understanding whiplash

If you have been involved in an automobile accident in Louisiana, you should know about some of the symptoms to watch out for that may signal the development of an injury. As explained by WebMD, whiplash is one such injury that is commonly associated with car wrecks and you may be even more susceptible to it if you have been hit from the rear by another vehicle. This is because whiplash happens after your head and neck have forcibly and suddenly been pushed forward and then back again.

The symptoms of whiplash do not always appear immediately after an accident happens so you will want to pay close attention to how you are feeling for a few days after a crash. When you have a whiplash injury, the nerves, ligaments or muscles in your neck may be damaged. Bone damage is also possible in severe cases. There is no actual cure for whiplash but treatment is important. It generally involves managing any pain you experience and may also require physical therapy.

Some of the signs of whiplash include pain through your head, neck, shoulders and upper back. You might also epxerience tingling or even numbness through your arms. It can take several months for whiplash to be completely gone and your injury may still be present even if you no longer feel pain.

If you would like to learn more about whiplash and the many other types of injuries that people may commonly experience after a car accident, please feel free to visit the motor vehicle crash injury page of our Louisiana personal injury website.