Report says fatal accident deaths down in Louisiana

The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) recently issued a report regarding traffic fatalities across the state. The data indicates that the number of fatal accident deaths has dropped significantly. Of the deaths that did occur, not wearing a seat belt and driving under the influence were cited as contributing factors.

In 2007, fatalities on Louisiana’s roadways reached 993. By 2013, that number dropped to 703 after an increase in 2012 that involved bicycle riders and pedestrians. Statistics show that the decrease from 2007 to 2013 was approximately 30 percent. The totals for 2014 show another drop in deaths to 651.

The executive director of the LHSC says that law enforcement agencies are working diligently to reduce the number of lives lost in the state even further. Efforts will continue so long as even one person loses his or her life in a traffic accident. Unfortunately, these efforts come too late for those who already lost their lives, as well as their surviving families.

If a loved one was lost in a fatal accident due to the apparent negligence of another, a wrongful death claim may be filed against the party or parties deemed to have been at-fault. Central to any such civil action is establishing negligence by a preponderance of the evidence. Police reports, accident reconstructions and other similar evidence can be offered to the court in support of a civil claim. If the court is satisfied that another party — or parties — negligently contributed to or caused the death of a family member, an award of damages may be considered. Any monetary restitution received could defray the unexpected expenses and other financial losses associated with the premature death of a loved one and provide some sense of closure regarding the family’s loss.

Source:, “State officials report decline in Louisiana roadway fatalities“, Juan Sanchez, Feb. 4, 2015