Prison time ordered for two men in fatal accident

Two Louisiana men were accused of fleeing the scene of an accident that occurred on June 29, 2015. Initially, both of them entered not guilty pleas to the charges they faced in connection with the fatal accident. Ultimately, they both entered plea bargains and were sentenced.

The driver, an 18-year-old man, was sentenced to five years in prison for negligent homicide. He will serve three years without any possibility for parole, suspension or probation, and the other two years will be deferred. The passenger, also an 18-year-old man, was sentenced to five years for being an accessory after the fact with three-and-a-half years deferred and credit for time served.

The driver somehow lost control of the vehicle, which caused it to careen off the road, slam into a ditch and roll. It finally came to rest on its roof. The second passenger was ejected, partially thrown from the vehicle and left for dead by the driver and other passenger. By the time the vehicle was discovered, the victim was dead.

The victim’s family could use the pleas and sentences received by these two men in a wrongful death claim filed in a Louisiana court. Since the crimes of which the men were convicted relate to the death of their loved one in this fatal accident, they can be introduced as evidence of negligence. By successfully proving that the death of their loved one was due to the actions of the driver and/or the other passenger, the court could award damages to the family.

Source:, “Teens sentenced to prison after crash that killed HHS student”, Ryan Arena, March 25, 2016