Police say driver ran stop sign in fatal car accident

Stop signs, traffic lights and other traffic signs are meant to control the flow of vehicles in order to avoid collisions. When a driver fails to obey these traffic control devices, a car accident is often the result. For instance, a recent crash here in Lake Charles that took the lives of two people and injured others is being blamed on a driver who ran a stop sign.

According to reports, an SUV was already in the intersection when the pickup truck driver failed to obey the stop sign. The two vehicles collided. A passenger in the pickup succumbed to fatal injuries at the scene.

The driver and two other passengers in that vehicle were taken to the hospital. One of the two passengers later died from his or her injuries. The current conditions of the driver and the third passenger are not known.

The driver and a passenger occupied the SUV. Both were taken to the hospital with injuries. The passenger has since been released by the hospital, but no information was given regarding the driver’s current condition. As for the investigation, police in Lake Charles do not believe that either driver was impaired, but toxicology samples were taken nonetheless.

Depending on the conclusions of the official investigation, charges may be filed against the pickup truck driver. In addition, the families of the deceased and the seriously injured survivors may file civil actions. If negligence is successfully proved, the court may award damages to help with the financial impact of this fatal car accident on its victims and their families.

Source: kplctv.com, “Accident claims two lives, injures third“, Candy Rodriguez, Nov. 1, 2015