Pastor killed during revival; wife files wrongful death claim

People go to church for many reasons. They may be searching for meaning in their lives, a way to express their faith, a sense of community or some kind of inner peace. The last thing that people expect to encounter at church is danger or violence. A Louisiana family recently experienced a tragedy at their church, which led to a wrongful death suit being filed.

A church was holding a revival recently when the pastor was killed. According to the suit that was filed, the man who shot the pastor apparently shot him first from a distance. He then reportedly came closer to deliver the final shot that actually killed the man.

The man who shot the pastor was arrested and is being held in jail on a charge of second-degree murder. The pastor’s wife and family were in attendance and witnessed the shooting. According to the lawsuit, the murder was intentional and premeditated. The pastor’s wife, who filed the lawsuit, is seeking undisclosed damages.

As is the case in any fatal event in Louisiana, authorities will investigate to determine what factors may have contributed to the tragedy. A criminal trial is still forthcoming, where the defendant’s guilt must be proven. Aside from that, however, the surviving family members have an emotionally difficult path ahead as they face life without their loved one. Successfully litigated wrongful death claims under Louisiana law may cover final expenses, pain and suffering and lost wages, among other things. Financial restitution can in no way replace a loved one, but it can help ease the grief and stress after such an emotionally charged situation.

Source:, Wrongful death suit filed in connection with preacher killing, Theresa Schmidt, Nov. 8, 2013