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Hospitals blame external factors for maternal deaths

Every year in the United States, 50,000 women sustain serious injuries related to childbirth, and 700 hundred women die as…

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Ruling changed by appeals court in wrongful death case

When most residents go to work, they do not expect to develop a deadly illness. According to Business Insurance, this…

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Warning: Hands-free cellphone usage is not risk-free

At Lee M. Schwalben. M.D.. J.D.. LLC. in Louisiana, we represent numerous clients who have received catastrophic injuries as the…

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Why do stillbirths occur?

According to the CDC, stillbirths affect approximately one percent of pregnancies each year. That amounts to roughly 24,000 babies that…

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Animals and motor vehicle collisions

From bad weather to inexperience, distractions and fatigue, motor vehicle crashes have many causes. Some risk factors are overlooked because…

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