Man claims he suffered catastrophic injuries when hit by car

In Dec. 2014, a man filed a personal injury claim in a Louisiana court against the driver a vehicle, its owner and an insurance company. He claims he suffered catastrophic injuries when an “unskilled” driver slammed into him. The nature and extent of his injuries was not reported.

The accident reportedly occurred on Feb. 9, 2013. The man asserts that he was leaving a gas station parking lot to cross the street. When the light turned green, he says he began crossing. Reportedly, that is when he was struck. He claims that he had the right-of-way at the time of the accident.

He says he suffered severe injuries for which he is now seeking damages. He alleges that the driver failed in his duty to be diligent, should have seen him and failed to take evasive action in order to avoid a collision. Additional allegations claim the driver was not paying attention and was driving in a reckless, careless and irresponsible manner. The man is seeking damages for loss of bodily function and mobility, mental anguish and emotional distress, among others.

In order for the man to prevail, he will first need to establish to a Louisiana court that the driver was negligent in a manner that led to the accident. If that portion of the claim is properly established, the court may then consider awarding him some or all of the damages he seeks. Any monetary restitution he receives could go toward his current and future medical needs, as well as make up for other financial losses he has sustained due to the catastrophic injuries he suffered that day.

Source: The Louisiana Record, “Pedestrian sues after allegedly being run over by motorist“, Kyle Barnett, Feb. 6, 2015