Louisiana women seriously injured in car accident

One Louisiana town takes its charity work so seriously they have a permanent donation booth on a street for charitable organizations to use to collect donations from motorists. The booth is located on the center line of Saizan Avenue in Port Barre. The booth was destroyed recently in a car accident that seriously injured two women.

The women were collecting donations from motorists when, unbeknownst to them, an allegedly drunk driver was heading their way. Witnesses have told police that the car was swerving badly that it almost struck two other cars before slamming into the booth. The current condition of the two women who were seriously injured is not known.

Police conducted a field sobriety test and took a urine sample from the driver. The driver has been charged with driving left of center, 3rd offense DUI and two counts of negligent injury. At last report, the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab is analyzing the sample. Port Barre is also considering a safer place for the donation booth.

Regardless of the outcome of the criminal charges against the driver, the women involved in this car accident may decide to file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver. Both women will likely have medical bills, lost wages and other expenses as a result of the actions of the driver that hit the booth. Even if the criminal charges against the driver don’t result in a conviction, a separate negligence claim may offer the opportunity to hold negligent parties financially responsible for wrongdoing that causes serious injury.

Source: katc.com, “Two Port Barre women seriously injured while collecting donations; man charged with DUI,” Tonya LaCoste, Aug. 3, 2012