Louisiana fotofacial burn leads to medical malpractice claim

Many people enjoy getting facials. Facials keep skin looking clean, young and firm. The experience of getting a facial is indulgent as well, and somewhat therapeutic, especially when performed by a dermatologist at a clinic. One woman in Louisiana recently experienced a facial that was anything but enjoyable, however, and it has resulted in a medical malpractice suit being filed.

The woman visited a clinic where she had three treatments performed: a facial peel treatment, a microdermabrasion treatment and a fotofacial. Each treatment has a different purpose. The peel minimizes the appearance of irregularities. The microdermabrasion treats light scarring, discoloration and sun damage. The fotofacial uses pulses of light to create youthful vitality, tone, texture, color and smoothness to the skin.

During the fotofacial, the woman allegedly received a severe burn on her face. The burn has reportedly resulted in a permanent scar. The woman has filed a suit for medical malpractice, negligence and violation of state law, among other things. The amount of the suit was not immediately available.

Mistakes happen when humans are involved; that is a fact of nature. The question, though, is whether the doctor’s actions directly caused harm to the woman, and whether the doctor failed to provide a proper level of care. If the doctor is found to have been negligent in this medical malpractice case, compensatory damages may be awarded to the woman. Punitive damages might also be possible in this Louisiana case. The woman is seeking damages for pain and suffering, psychological disability and loss of enjoyment of life, among other things.

Source: Louisiana Record, Clinic sued by woman who claims she received serious burn on face during fotofacial, Kyle Barnett, Nov. 6, 2013