2 men die in Louisiana car accident

Sometimes, drivers are able to regain control of their vehicles when they lose control for whatever reason. However, there are times when once a driver loses control of his or her vehicle, it is never regained. It is in this latter instance that a fatal car accident often occurs.

This may have been the case in a recent single car accident that took place on US Highway 167 near Louisiana Highway 15. Both the driver and the occupant of the vehicle sustained fatal injuries during the crash. Authorities are unsure what caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

Alcohol is not believed to have been a factor. However, toxicology samples were taken as part of the ongoing investigation being conducted by the Louisiana State Police. The preliminary investigation has revealed that the car drifted into the median once, but the driver was able to recover. The car then ended up in the median again, but this time, the driver wasn’t able to get the vehicle back on the road.

The car flipped over and over until it came to a rest on the other side of the highway. The passenger was ejected from the vehicle at some point during the crash. The driver was found inside the wreckage.

Two families lost loved ones in this crash, but only one is responsible for the car accident. Under out state laws, the family of the passenger has the right to file a wrongful death claim against the driver’s estate. Obtaining compensation for the unexpected expenses that come with a sudden loss such as this can help a family with a financial recovery. The emotional recovery is often much more difficult.

Source: knoe.com, Two killed in Union Parish crash, Jillian Corder, Sept. 28, 2013