Family files wrongful death claim against hospital

Many Louisiana residents turn to doctors when they aren’t feeling well, seeking relief. Doctors are supposed to be the ally against that which ails their patients. When the doctor not only fails to provide that relief but adds to the complaint, especially via negligent or reckless actions, that doctor becomes a danger instead. One great fear after this type of situation is that if a doctor is careless once, he can and will be careless again, which will eventually lead to the wrongful death of at least one patient.

One Louisiana family recently filed a wrongful death suit in one such case. Their loved one had been admitted to a university hospital because she was experiencing shortness of breath. She had apparently taken some Albuterol earlier in the day. The university hospital administered more of the medication to her in an attempt to alleviate her discomfort.

Large doses of Albuterol can cause nervousness and agitation, and in some patients it can even trigger psychotic episodes. The plaintiffs in this case claim that literally minutes after their loved one left the hospital, she experienced such an episode and became violent. She was reportedly arrested and taken to jail, where she died at only age 43. The plaintiffs allege that the university hospital failed to properly monitor the patient’s care, failed to properly administer medication and failed to release the patient in a stable condition, among many other things. The amount the plaintiffs are seeking was not immediately available.

As with any other wrongful death case in Louisiana, the plaintiffs must prove their case against the defendants, directly linking the doctor’s actions or inaction to their loved one’s death. A successful case may result in financial compensation, which can help the family with lingering medical bills and final expenses. In addition, consideration is frequently made for pain and suffering, loss of future wages and loss of companionship.

Source: The Louisiana Record, Suit claims large dose of Albuterol led to patient’s wrongful incarceration and death, Holland Phillips, Dec. 11, 2013