Facts and myths about driver’s fatigue

When a driver hits the road in Louisiana, they risk facing an issue that commonly plagues drivers but isn’t frequently addressed. This issue is driver’s fatigue. It’s a potentially deadly problem that can be just as dangerous as driving while texting or driving under the influence, even though it gets much less coverage.

WebMD has a number of different myths and facts about driver’s fatigue. This list includes misconceptions about driving while tired, tricks for staying awake that simply don’t work, and many other issues. Popular misconceptions include the notion that drivers only get sleepy at night, that cool air can help keep a person awake, and that being drowsy at the wheel only happens to susceptible groups such as the elderly or anyone on medication.

On the other hand, one fact encourages keeping company in the car to help engage the driver during the trip. The second person can keep watch for signs of fatigue, help to keep them awake through conversation, and switch off with them if they need to rest. Eating small and healthy snacks throughout the drive can also help.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also suggests taking naps whenever a person is too tired to drive, which may help to avoid the possibility of a fatigue-related accident. Naps are best kept relatively short, anywhere from a minimum of 10 to a maximum of 45 minutes. Everyone has different levels at which they feel groggy, so this should be kept in mind when deciding how long to rest.

Being able to tell the difference between myth and fact can be a big help when it comes to staying safe while on the road. Drivers who keep this information in mind may find themselves having a much safer trip.