Driver in deadly car accident will go to trial in Louisiana

Holidays are a time to be spent with friends and family celebrating. Some of these celebrations include the consumption of alcohol. This may have been the case of a woman Memorial Day weekend 2013 who is accused of killing three people in a car accident on Louisiana Highway 61 that day.

Authorities believe that the woman was drinking prior to getting into her car. As she drove down the highway, she left her lane and ended up in the opposing lane of traffic. It was there that she slammed into another vehicle.

Two of the occupants of the vehicle that was hit died as a result of the injuries they received in the crash. Sadly, one of them was pregnant, and her baby did not survive the wreck either. Another occupant of the vehicle suffered serious injuries described as severe. As for the accused woman’s vehicle, one occupant also suffered fatal injuries.

When the driver believed to be at fault was arrested, there were questions regarding her mental capacity. Recently, a Louisiana court ruled that the woman is competent and thus able to stand trial on the criminal charges filed in connection with the crash. Her trial is currently set for Nov. 18.

The families of the deceased victims may exercise their rights under Louisiana law to file wrongful death claims against the driver. The severely injured passenger retains the right to file a personal injury claim as well. If those claims successfully prove negligence on the part of the allegedly intoxicated woman, the court may award damages to the victims’ families and the injured victim in accordance with their losses due to this terrible car accident.

Source:, “Woman accused in deadly DWI crash found competent for trial“, Travers Mackel, April 29, 2014