How can you identify types of nursing home abuse and misconduct?

Nursing homes serve as important facilities for the care of elderly loved ones. Nursing home abuse and misconduct is a range of actions that harm residents physically, emotionally or financially.

Recognizing the signs of this issue can help ensure the health of those under nursing home care.

Lack of proper care

One common form of nursing home abuse is neglect. This is where residents do not receive the care and attention they deserve.

It may show up in untreated medical conditions, poor nutrition and bad hygiene practices. Signs of neglect include sudden weight loss, untreated bedsores and dirty living conditions.

Physical harm and intimidation

Physical abuse involves the use of force that results in bodily harm or pain. This can include hitting, pushing or improper use of restraints. A serious lack of instruction or training for employees often contributes to this harm. Residents may have bruises, ulcers or other unexplained injuries.

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse includes psychological distress through verbal insults, threats or isolation tactics. Staff members or fellow residents may engage in bullying or intimidation.

Residents who suffer from emotional abuse could display signs of depression and anxiety. Fearfulness or withdrawal from social activities typically points to emotional distress.

Financial theft

Financial exploitation occurs when caregivers or staff members misuse a resident’s funds or assets for personal gain. This can involve making unauthorized withdrawals, forging signatures or coercing residents into signing over financial control.

Nursing home abuse and misconduct is a huge violation of trust and human dignity. By taking proactive steps to address abuse, people can uphold the rights of elderly loved ones in nursing home facilities. Elderly individuals may also want to seek fair compensation.